Around 11:00 pm, on Friday, August 6, officer Loper with the Hennessey police department was patrolling the neighborhood around Cheyenne Street when he heard what sounded like scraping metal. Turning his vehicle around, he found an abandoned vehicle with the passenger door open and noticed that the front passenger tire was gone.
Officer Bruner was called to assist. Loper then knocked on the residence closest to the vehicle to see if they recognized it. Officer Bruner notified both the Sleep Inn and the Main Street Truck Stop (only two businesses open) of the situation, and a wrecker was called to pick up the abandoned vehicle.
At around 11:30 pm, dispatch advised officers that someone was banging on the door at 517 S Cherokee. Both Loper and Bruner responded and met the resident of the location in the street. The resident reported that the suspect (female with ripped jeans) had run off when confronted by them.
Around 11:31, it was reported that a man and woman were banging on a residence, and the detached garage door was open. Both officers arrived at the residence and searched and did not find anyone but were given a better description of the two individuals.
While searching, Loper noticed a face in the window of an abandoned house. Finding the glass door broken and the front door unlocked, both Loper and Bruner made entry and searched while a county deputy, now on the scene, arrived to help cover the house. During this search, they received a call from dispatch that a female was banging on the back porch door of 507 S. Cherokee. After a complete search, they exited the house and headed to the reported residence.
At this time, reserve officer Burch joined the search. Officer Loper noticed a pickup in the alleyway of 2nd street. Approaching the truck, he found an older gentleman driver and female passenger matching the suspect’s description. Once it was established that the older gentleman did not know the female, she was detained. The older gentleman said he was asked to take her to the store.
The female suspect had a cell phone in her hands and was speaking to the male suspect. Officer Loper then began to talk with the male suspect trying to get him to turn himself in. However, suspect Harold Wilson stated that he would not turn himself in because he had a warrant with Alfalfa County. He also said that he was at the store.
All officers proceeded to the store to continue the search for the male suspect. They found that the doors to the store had been locked. Not knowing if the suspect had entered the store and whether he was armed, officers banged on the door to gain entry; the store clerk had locked the doors to use the restroom. The store was still searched to make sure everything was safe.
While Loper was still on the phone with the suspect, Wilson stated he could see the officers at the store. K-9 Ozzy was then retrieved, and after a long search of the area, the suspect was still not found.
The female suspect was taken to Hennessey Police Department and held for questioning.
At approximately 2:00 am, Harold Wilson walked into the police department lobby and turned himself in. The female, identified as Adrian Carson, had warrants in Kay County. They did not extradite. She was given a citation and was free to go.
Harold Wilson had a warrant in Alfalfa County, so he was booked on obstruction charges and the outstanding warrant. Alfalfa extradited.