Since the statewide vote to legalize medical marijuana took effect, there has been a great deal of speculation and rumors as to what it will mean for our small town. In the past month or so, the Hennessey Town Hall has been approached by numerous people interested in opening a marijuana growing and/or retail operations in Hennessey. At a recent special meeting, the town Trustees voted to have the town attorney draft the Hennessey ordinance based off Kingfisher’s ordinance. Basically the State law says, cities and towns cannot create special zoning to restrict marijuana sales. The dispensaries or grow facilities cannot be closer than 1000 feet from the front door of a school. The only zoning requirement a town can enforce is that they must be located in a commercially zoned area. New retail stores and grow facilities must file with the state, the Town of Hennessey, and there will be fees involved in that process. Right now there are 15 dispensaries in Enid, and 1 so far in Kingfisher, according to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority website. At this week’s regular Hennessey board of Trustees meeting, Damon LaPorte told the board that his family intends on building a commercial grow facility, as well as a retail dispensary at the property they own at 422 E. Jack Choate Ave. in Hennessey. (Hwy 51)