The Dover post office was rocked Thursday, September 15th, when according to the OHP, the driver suffered a medical emergency and struck the north side of the building. Traffic was stopped on Hwy 81, (Main St.) at about 3:30 pm in Dover while an Air Evac medical helicopter landed on the highway. One of the Dover postal workers’ desks is on the other side of the wall where the truck hit. She said, “It was loud and shook the entire building”. According to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol report, the 2008 Dodge 2500 Pickup was driven by William F Farrar, age 87, of Dover. The report said Farrar pulled into the Dover Post Office parking lot and, for an unknown reason jumped the curb and drove into the northeast side of the post office striking a brick wall. Farrar was transported by Air Evac to OU Medical Hospital and succumbed to his injuries on the evening of September 15th while at the OU Medical Center. Dover Fire, Kingfisher EMS, Kingfisher Sheriff Dept., and Oklahoma Highway Patrol worked the scene.